Category Archives: Radio

Our Podcast Forrozin no ar airs monthly on Radio Dreyeckland.
1. Sunday each month from 10 pm in Freiburg at 102,3 Mhz or worldwide on the Live-Stream.
Write to to subcribe to the podcast via mailinglist.
To contact us write to radio @

We are closing down our Podcast …

Since 2013 we are bringing Information about Forró to a German/English speaking community though Radio / Podcast. Four Forrózeiros from Freiburg founded the Project in 2014 but little by little the participants moved away and got involved in other projects.

Since 2017 Vadinho Agotado was alone and unable to keep up the monthly radio shows.
The objective always was to bring information and debates to a non-Portuguese speaking community. This is close to impossible if only one person maintains the Podcast.

In order to have a lively debate or making an interview you need at least two persons with English and Portuguese knowledge to make consecutive translations of interviews and present the information in an adequate way.

So if you feel like you always wanted to do Podcasting and you are passionate about Forró and you speak both English and Portuguese well enough to translate and host a show in English PLEASE comment bellow or write an email to “radio [at]”

O Alemão – Fabiano Santana

Luciano Alves, Fabiano Santana, Diego Oliveira in Weggis

In the beginning of June Fabiano Santana, Vadinho Agotado, Chiquinho Alves, Cacai Nunes, Scurinho Zabumbada, Zezinho Mensageiros, Cassio Sá and Beto Argôlo came together at the Italia Roots Festival in the south of Italy and wrote the following song. The song was then included in the June Programme of Forrózin no ar and three weeks later this recording was made at the 3° Forró ao Pé da Serra in Weggis 2017.

The crowd was already singing!

O Alemão – Fabiano Santana


Motivation for dance

Why do you dance Forró? A simple question we would like to research. Please share your Forró-Motivations with us and share this post with as many Forrózeir@s as possible to get a big data-base. I will share the results in the end of the month with you and discuss them in the next episode of Forrózin no ar:

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