On the 29th and 30th of October there is Shashi from London here in Freiburg to give classes for you!
Tuesday, E-Werk
20.15h – 21.15h: Posture & Grounding
Build better posture and improve your connection to the floor to make any step in any style work better! This class will cover weight transfer and grounding for both follows and leads.
21.15h – 22.15h: Connection & Embrace
Building on the skills from the first class – we will look at technique for using intention to create movements together, as well as how to build this into your embrace.
22.15h – 0h: Free Dancing
Wednesday, Freizeichen
19.30 – 20.30h: Surprise!
One of the things that makes dancing magical and creates the dialogue between partners is spontaneity. We will examine how to bring more of this quality to your dance and provide ideas to use to help you develop your own.

A London based Forró addict since 2013, Shashi has developed his Forró through extensive travels as well as during his time living in Brazil. He has taught workshops all over Europe including London, Cambridge, Moscow, Berlin and Freiburg as well as regularly DJing at a variety of events. Shashi views dancing as a form of expression, freedom and connection with a view that you should dance for your partner, the music and yourself. Aside from learning both the Universitario and Roots styles of Forró, Shashi also is studying Tango and often draws upon its techniques to develop his teaching methods. He believes that you can learn from all types of dance to create your own personal style.