Category Archives: Radio

Our Podcast Forrozin no ar airs monthly on Radio Dreyeckland.
1. Sunday each month from 10 pm in Freiburg at 102,3 Mhz or worldwide on the Live-Stream.
Write to to subcribe to the podcast via mailinglist.
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Dió de Araújo & Chiquinho Alves

Foto: Stefan Liebich

After decades re-united back on stage Chiquinho Alves and Dió de Araújo (Trio Xamego) at the legendary 2° Encontro de forrozeiros em Weggis.

Coirana – Chiquinho Alves featuring Dió de Araújo


Baião do Romeiro / Dono dos Teus Olhos – Trio Xamego featuring Chiquinho Alves


Bate papo com Rafael Baere

This episode is in several way different from our other shows. It is recorded in English and we have our focus not on the musical dimension of Forró. We spend the programme talking to Rafael Baere about his role in the Forró scene and his views of they way festivals are organised, Music is selected for Partys and workshops are given in Europe.

Stay tuned for the whole program – there plenty of new ideas and opinions on the way Forró is happening at the moment in Europe.


[010] – Forrócamp 2015

Wir haben während des Forrócamps eine Sendung mit zahlreichen Gästen produziert. Zunächst interviewen wir die Gründerin des Forrócamps Sarah-Linda, haben Arleno Farias und Jorge do Rojão in einer improvisierten Studiorunde zu Gast, interviewen Teilnehmende des Forrócamps und sprechen mit Bernardo Luiz.


  • Interview mit der Gründerin des Forrócamps Sarah-Linda (01:45 min)
  • Passo de gafiera, Jorge do Rojão (12:58 min)
  • Stimmen von Teilnehmenden (15:10 min)
  • Rayo solar, Bernardo Luiz (31.12 min)
  • Studiorunde mit Arleno Farias & Jorge do Rojao (33:59 min)
  • Sala de Reboco, Arleno Farias (93:32 min)
  • Interview mit Bernardo Luiz (94:45 min)Forrócamp